इलेक्‍ट्रॉनिकी और सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार

Frequently Asked Questions

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Any government department can apply for availing National Cloud Services on the cloud portal at https://cloud.gov.in/. NIC National Cloud Services are presently available for Government Organizations.

To register, the user has to visit https://cloud.gov.in and click on the Registration button on the top right corner of the portal.

Registrant Can update his/her registration details only after the registration is approved. User has to login at https://cloud.gov.in/login. And the account whose registration details are to be updated can be done by going to the action menu of that account and clicking on update details. Signup Can update his/her signup details only after the registration is approved. User has to login at https://cloud.gov.in/login. And the account whose Signup details are to be updated can be done by going to the action menu of that account and clicking on Manage Signup Request.

A contact verification mail will be received on the user's email. You can do contact verification by clicking on the verification link given in this mail.For more information Click Here

If the Registrant has not received the contact verification mail. So in this case the Registrant has to contact the cloud support team to get the verification mail again. If the signup member has not received the contact verification mail. So in this case the Applicant needs to login to https://cloud.gov.in/login and click on the Manage Signup Request link in the action menu of that account.Here Applicants can view all their signup requests by clicking on the Manage signup requests link. Now go to the action menu of the signup request and click on Resend signup member contact verification mail. The signup request to which you want to resend the verification mail.

If applicant wants to update his/her signup details. So in this case the applicant needs to login to https://cloud.gov.in/login and click on the Manage Signup Request link in the action menu of that account. Here applicant can view all his/her signup requests by clicking on Manage signup requests link. Now go to the action menu of the signup request and click on Generate signup change request to update your signup details.For more information Click Here

Only after the Registration is approved, the Applicant can login with his registered email ID by visiting https://cloud.gov.in/login. Applicant has to click on Close Cloud Account link in the Action menu of the account for which he/she wants to Close.For closure of an account, all CUCs relating to that account should be closed.For more information Click Here

By logging in to https://cloud.gov.in/login with the registered email ID of the applicant. For the account for which you want to see the CUC, you can view by going to the action menu of that account and clicking on the View Cloud Unit link.

Applicant can login to https://cloud.gov.in/login with his/her registered email ID. To close the cloud unit the user has to click on the View Cloud Unit link in the action menu of the account or can view all the CUC for that account by clicking on the top link Cloud Unit Code. Now the CUC which has to be closed has to go to the action menu and click on the Close CUC unit link. For more information Click Here

Coordination can login with his email ID by visiting https://cloud.gov.in/login. The account whose coordinator is to be changed has to go to the Action menu of that account and click on the ?Mapped Coordinator Change Request? link.For more information Click Here

Coordinator can login with his email id by visiting https://cloud.gov.in/login. The account for which Technical Administrator is to be nominated has to go to the action menu of the account and can nominate the Technical Administrator by clicking on the link Manage Technical Administrators.For more information Click Here

Coordinator can login with his email id by visiting https://cloud.gov.in/login. The account for which Technical Administrator is to be update has to go to the action menu of the account and can update the Technical Administrator by clicking on the link Manage Technical Administrators.For more information Click Here

Applicant can login with his/her email ID by visiting https://cloud.gov.in/login. Signup can be initiated by clicking on the Manage Signup Requests link in the Actions menu of the account you wish to signup for.

The account for which the signup request is to be verified can view all its signup requests by going to the action menu of the account and clicking on the Manage Signup Request link. Now you can verify the signup request by going to the action menu of the signup request you want to verify and clicking on the Verify signup request link.

Coordinator can nominate up to 10 technical administrators

Applicant can add up to 10 technical administrators.

After login to the user dashboard, the user can view all his/her accounts by clicking on "All Accounts" tab.

Account owner/Signup member by login to their dashboard, Can request cloud service.

User can place a service request by logging in to his/her dashboard and clicking on Manage Service Request link provided in the Actions menu for the account for which he/she has to place the service request.

On service catalog page go to Computing service ( Web server, App Server , Database Server , Web App Server and Basic Server), after clicking on add to cart button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button. This will take the user to the cart page where the user will select the cloud location for which he/she wants to avail the service and submit the request.For more information Click Here

User can place withdrawal request only for allocated computing order request, by clicking on Computing under My Orders menu on left side of service catalog page, user can view all his/her computing order requests. user can place a Withdrawal request by clicking on the Withdrawal Resource link provided in the action menu of the computing order request.For more information Click Here

By clicking on Computing under My Orders menu on left side of service catalog page, user can view all his/her computing order requests. user can see Withdrawal request by clicking on the Computing Withdrawal tab as shown in below screen.

On service catalog page go to Container service , after clicking on add to cart button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button. This will take the user to the cart page where the user will select the cloud location for which he/she wants to avail the service and submit the request.For more information Click Here

User can place withdrawal request only for allocated container order request, by clicking on Container orders under My Orders menu on left side of service catalog page, user can view all his/her container order requests. user can place a Withdrawal request by clicking on the Withdrawal Resource link provided in the action menu of the Container order request.For more information Click Here

By clicking on Container under My Orders menu on left side of service catalog page, user can view all his/her computing order requests. user can see Withdrawal request by clicking on the Container Withdrawal tab as shown in below screen.

On service catalog page go to Backup service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

User can place backup change request only for Job Started request, by clicking on Backup under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his backup request. User can put change request by clicking on Change request link given in action menu of backup request. For more information Click Here

User can place backup close request only for Job Started request, by clicking on Backup under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his backup request. User can put close request by clicking on Close request link given in action menu of backup request. For more information Click Here

By clicking on Backup under the menu My Orders on the left side of the service catalog page, the user can view all his/her Backup and Backup Close requests.

On service catalog page go to Public-IP service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

One of the IPs in the VLAN IP range associated with the Cloud Account (CUC) for which you want the public IP.

Yes, you can request for public IP by selecting the option Not Required but you have to give justification for the same.

User can place public change request only for Allocated Public ip request, by clicking on Public-IP under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his public-ip request. User can put public-ip change request by clicking on Public-IP Change request link given in action menu of Public-IP request. For more information Click Here

User can place Public-IP Withdrawal request only for Allocated request, by clicking on Public-IP under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his Public-IP request. User can put Public-IP Withdrawal request by clicking on Public-IP Withdrawal request link given in action menu of Public-IP request. For more information Click Here

By clicking on Public-IP under the menu My Orders on the left side of the service catalog page, the user can view all his Public-IP and Public-IP withdrawal requests.For more information Click Here

User can request public (IPv6) only for allocated public (IPv4). On service catalog page go to Public(IPv6) service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to Load Balancer service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to load balancer service, after clicking on Add request button a form will open, click on Create server farm button, it will take user to server farm form page. Fill all the required details in the form. and click on the preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on the edit button given below otherwise click on the submit button.For more information Click Here

User can place load balancer change request only for Configured request, by clicking on load balancer under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his load balancer request. User can put load balancer change request by clicking on Change LB request link given in action menu of load balancer request. For more information Click Here

User can place load balancer Withdrawal request only for Configured request, by clicking on load balancer under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his load balancer request. User can put load balancer Withdrawal request by clicking on LB Withdrawal request link given in action menu of load balancer request. For more information Click Here

By clicking on load balancer under the menu My Orders on the left side of the service catalog page, the user can view all his load balancer and load balancer withdrawal requests.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to APM service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to RM service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to WAF service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to Data Analytics service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to Agile service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to Load Testing service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to Website service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

User can place Website change request only for Configured request, by clicking on load balancer under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his Website request. User can put Website change request by clicking on Change request link given in action menu of Website request.

On service catalog page go to AI-Manthan service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

The request for Staging UAT can be made only if the AI-Manthan request is approved., by clicking on AI-Manthan under menu My Orders on left side of service catalog page, user can see all his AI-Manthan request. User can put Staging UAT request by clicking on Request for Manthan Staging & UAT Service link given in action menu of AI-Manthan request. For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to AI-Tainatee service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to AI-Satyapikanan service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to AI-Vaani service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to AI-Shruti service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to AI-Panini service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button.For more information Click Here

On service catalog page go to AI-Sharansh service , after clicking on Add Request button a form will open, fill all the required details in the form and click on preview button. If you want to edit the details of the form then click on edit button given in below otherwise click on submit button. For more information Click Here

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